Friday, April 29, 2011


( I probably shouldnt pin the movie poster here :) )

Love and Other Disasters. Fun. About a girl, having gay friends around her, which makes she feels more comfortable than being with straight guys!

I love this quote, picked from the movie ;

' We went to college together. He's gay. All the good ones are.. '

Well, who can ever deny? Gays are nice, understanding, good listener. And most of all, they're CUTE!

Too bad they picked the wrong road. Wouldnt it be really great if all guys in this world are gay? Well, not literally of course - its not right and EVERY religion forbids it. I just wish that they have this 'gayness' in them and at the same time, being a total gentleman.

But then, it wont be something we call 'real life'. It would be 'heaven'. Wouldnt it?

A bit fact about the main actress, Brittany Murphy. No. Dont google for her pictures.

( I just removed her picture )

She was an American actress and singer. Died at the young age of 32 on December 21, 2009. Pneumonia. I really love her acting in this movie. She looked so innocent, nice and always wanted to try to help her friends. Plus, she's very cute in this movie.

Meet my friend, Santiago Cabrera.

Charming, isnt he? Heheh. Though this is not his best snap.

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Peeps, isnt its funny that we has always get mistaken by some similar flags..? Kinda. But what these almost similar flags means? Some people might think that they dont have creative ideas left.

Well, its not something for me to comment. Because as u know, some of them are from the most well-known countries. It cannot be that they dont have different ideas. It cannot be.

But, of course they have their own reasons.


maybe they are allies?

or maybe its just because they are brothers?




Saturday, April 16, 2011


Lelaki yang ada banyak duit means dia kaya.

Lelaki kaya = Duit

Where, Magnet perempuan = Duit


Lelaki kaya = Magnet Perempuan.

With the same meaning,

Lelaki kaya = Banyak perempuan.

jgn cari lelaki kaya sbb lelaki kaya adalah magnet perempuan. mustahil lelaki kaya tak pasang sekurang2nya dua - satu kanan, satu kiri.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


1. LITTMAN'S STETHOSCOPE (ULTRASCOPE pn blh..hee) - REDGREEN / PINK !  (murah je bhai...rm200 je..hahaha)
2. A bunch of natural-scented red roses.
3. Mountains of Cadbury Dairy Milk.
4. Ipod nano.
5. New handphone :
    Nokia X3 Touch and Type / LG GD580 Lollipop / LG Lollipop 2  (Price : less than RM1000)
6. A cat.
7. New laptop : Vaio X / Macbook Air.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Dialog bersama sekawan lelaki arab, tgh hari tadi :

Arab : 'Are you Korea? Are you Korea???'

Malaysian : 'Ape kena mamat2 ni?'


Malaysian : 'Who doesnt?'

Ahhh.. seringkali kami insan bumiputera Malaysia, berkad pengenalan biru dengan kod negeri yang sah, dianggap sebagai rakyat bukan Malaysia di negeri Mesir ini.

' Ni Hao Ma?'

plg tk tahan skali,

'Hungga! Hungga!'

I dnt even know what tht means!

Kecewa sgt..muka je handsome tp korean n malaysian pn tk dpt bezakan. klau nk ckp tk perasan Malaysia ni wujud sbb kecik sgt dlm peta dunia tu, at least ckp la 'Sawadikaap' ke, ckp indon ke, ni, bahasa yang berjuta batu jauhnye.

Haih.. tktau la.. ni rse kecewa sgt ni sbb td dorg tegur tu kt Kulyah Thiib (Medicine Faculty) yg dh beberapa kali ade program dgn Malaysian students. Siap tampal peta dunia, peta Malaysia, race diversity, even makanan Malaysia pn kakak2 tu dh bg rse.

Haih... kecewa... kecewa...

Monday, April 11, 2011


maafkan saya klau ade yg terasa. tp sy tk ske lelaki Kelantan!


tanyala mereka2 yg bernama wanita. mungkin bukan semua tp sy confirm majority. kenapa lagi?sebab, lelaki2 kelantan tak gentleman.lelaki2 kelantan ske isteri duduk rumah.lelaki2 kelantan ske cari pasal.

maafkan sy lg skali. sy tau bukan smua lelaki kelantan mcm tu tp, spe yg mkn cili, dia la yg terasa pedasnye kn?sy ckp ni sbb mmg dh byk comment psl lelaki kelantan,termasuklah dr sy sndr.rsenye,bnd mcm ni tkkn timbul klau tkde ape yg berlaku kn?


lepas tu, tkkn nk plih lelaki KL plk? kenapa? sbb lelaki KL kaya? lelaki KL bergaya? haha. sme mcm lelaki2 klantan, bukan smuanya mcm tu.

pokoknya kwn2, klau nk plih calon tu, jgn la plih ikut negeri. sbb tkde bezanya. setiap org ade hati budi masing2, ade keistimewaan masing2.

tapi, lelaki tetap lah lelaki. semuanya sama je!


btul2 buat sy homesick. aaaa!