Monday, November 29, 2010


Just finished watching P/s I Love You, AGAIN. OMG I love this friends told me tht ths movie is nt as good as in its novel. I didnt knw but well, i'll find out SOMEDAY cs its too thick fr me to handle in this 'chaos' situation of mine. Nvrmnd. I'll jst write it down in my Soon-To-Do-List. Im thinking of reading it in the plane, whn im on my way back to Malaysia, my lovely hometown. Aha! :D

So here, the poster.

About the poster..., before i knew about the movie,one fine day,i went to JJ Ipoh Popular and my eyes cant stop staring at the cover of this novel,the same pic as in the poster.Its like,thres sth in this pic.I really love this pic.It GLORIOUSLY express,show,and tell whts the story is all abt.You get wht i mean?

And i feel sad, each time i watch this movie.its like,i was trying to understand how this girl know,after 11 years of marriage,and she loves tht guy so very much.they are deeply into each other.but suddenly,POOOFF!!all the happiness has gone.i wonder how it really feels like losing the one that we love, the one that always keep us company,the one who always listen when we need hearing ears,the one who we keep missing,the one who we always get mad with because we love that person too much,the one who we always argue with,just becase we love it.

But, Noo. I dont ever want to or really feel that - losing someone that I love.NO.i admit that im afraid of tht feeling.i dnt wanna lose the person tht i love.not ever.

Watching this heart melting movie,im attracted to plenty of songs in it.well,basically,i love acoustic and most of the song in this movie are acoustic.However,this is one of it,

Pogues - Love You Till The End

I just want to see you
When you're all alone
I just want to catch you if I can
I just want to be there
When the morning light explodes
On your face it radiates
I can't escape
I love you till the end

I just want to tell you nothing
You don't want to hear
All I want is for you to say
Why don't you just take me
Where I've never been before
I know you want to hear me
Catch my breath
I love you till the end (x4)

I just want to be there
When we're caught in the rain
I just want to see you laugh not cry
I just want to feel you
When the night puts on its cloak
I'm lost for words dont tell me
Cause all I can say
I love you till the end (x5)

All I can say
I love you till the end (x3)

It's all I can say
I love you till the end (x3)

Nothing much i have to say about the song and plus, im already sleepy. So, i skip.

The next topic, OH! you see that guy, that Gerry who plays an Irish guy, also the husband of Holly, the same guy in the poster. Haha. Okay, as if u dnt know. Sorry.

Okay, about this Irish guy, he's super HOT! fr me, i usually dnt rmmbr any casts names. jst bcs i dnt care. yeah, i ignore things tht i dnt care, they whose nt important fr me to care. sometimes, i just 'delete' them wthout me realising it. and this Gerard Butler is one of the ppl tht i care to knw abt. but i usually jst forget abt them later after tht.

I dnt knw who is this Gerard Butler so i just google him,his biography and here it is...
(okay..i just realised tht he's the same guy who plays role in Lara Croft, Gamer, The Ugly Truth! Haha..pros of internet - we get to know sth tht we nvr knew n we could save ourselves from being laughed bcs we're the only one who doesnt know abt it..okay..u cn laugh at me now..)

Date of Birth
13 November 1969Paisley, Scotland, UK

Birth Name
Gerard James Butler


6' 2" (1.88 m)  -  
oMG he's so tall!

Has dark brown hair.
His eyes are grey/green in color but often appear blue on screen.
Sang in a rock band whilst training to be a lawyer.
Chosen by Empire magazine as one of the 100 Sexiest Stars in film history (#10). [2007].
He's something, isnt he?

Okay, enough with this gedik girls thing. Just so u know, i dnt usually do this. U know...this.. ^^

Theres only one person i love in this world. And my feelings would never change. ILY

Im sleepy, my fingers paused a few times while typing this blog. So I guess I should give them a rest. Goodnight everybody! ;)

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